Military Equipment

Wednesday, January 13, 2016 - 06:37
The U.S. Congress is reported to have stymied Pakistani efforts to further acquire F-16 fighter jets, according to reports in local media. Analysts say the move could have implications for the bilateral relationship at a sensitive time if the proposed deal stalls altogether.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016 - 07:41
Brazil’s army in late 2015 received the first Airbus Helicopters AS565 to have been upgraded entirely in-country to the enhanced K2 standard.
Monday, January 11, 2016 - 06:45
Russia says it has completed the handover of air defense systems to Kazakhstan, part of the project of creating a joint air defense system across the former Soviet Union. But Kazakhstan's Ministry of Defense is complaining that the systems aren't actually yet delivered and are not in working condition.
Monday, January 11, 2016 - 06:33
When Ukraine's border defense forces look east and south, they see nothing but Russian trouble. Yet for one of the world's most dangerous stretches of territory, the Ukrainians are woefully short of devices to spy on the other side to anticipate the next attack and spot intruders.
Friday, January 8, 2016 - 06:51
Despite earlier promises to hold allies accountable for human rights abuses, Obama has given aid to several repressive regimes, including in Egypt and Bahrain, and has not reacted strongly to abuses in China, Uzbekistan, and Myanmar.
Friday, January 8, 2016 - 06:44
An inert U.S. Hellfire missile sent to Europe for training purposes was wrongly shipped from there to Cuba in 2014, said people familiar with the matter, a loss of sensitive military technology that ranks among the worst-known incidents of its kind.
Friday, January 8, 2016 - 06:40
The United States has donated 25 mine-resistant, ambush-protected (MRAP) vehicles valued at $11 million to Nigeria to help it combat Boko Haram militants.“The equipment donation represents part of the continuing US commitment to Nigeria and its neighbours to counter Boko Haram’s senseless acts of terror and promote regional security.”
Thursday, January 7, 2016 - 06:44
The Nigerian Air Force aims to acquire three JF-17 Thunder fighter jets this year, and has budgeted $25 million towards this.
Thursday, January 7, 2016 - 06:28
The Afghan Air Force is about to receive a new light-attack aircraft from the U.S. to support ground troops with cannons, rockets and missiles as they battle resurgent Taliban forces.
Tuesday, January 5, 2016 - 07:18
Brazil, Colombia, and Peru have agreed to exchange military technology and collaborate on developing a patrol ship to protect the countries' shared Amazon region against drug traffickers and other criminal threats.
