Resources - Policy Statements

This section presents links to what people are saying about U.S. security policy around the world. Select one of the four types of policy statements from the menu at the right to filter the results below. 

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Sunday, November 9, 2014
'This Week' Transcript: Rep. Darrell Issa and Sen. Elect Cory GardnerEnglish
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Friday, November 7, 2014
A diez años de comenzar este proyecto, pre- sentamos esta sexta edición del Atlas Comparativo con dos incorporaciones básicas: la inclusión de Costa Rica, Panamá y Haití completando el escenario regional, y un capítulo especial sobre las convergencias de las agendas de Caribe y América Latina. A lo largo de sus distintas ediciones el At- las Comparativo ha respondido a la necesidad de contar con un instrumento que pueda compilar y comparar información básica sobre los temas de defensa en los países de la región: los diferentes marcos legales, estructuras de los sistemas de defensa, concepciones políticas, cifras presupuestarias, misiones militares, y el tamaño de las Fuerzas, entre los principales.Spanish
Western Hemisphere Regional
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Friday, November 7, 2014
Funding Should Be Tied to Broader StrategyEnglish
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Thursday, November 6, 2014
The United States notes with concern the Georgian Prime Minister’s dismissal of Defense Minister Alasania and his deputy ministers, and the subsequent resignations of State Minister for Euro-Atlantic Integration Petriashvili and Foreign Minister Panjikidze and her deputy ministers. We have greatly appreciated the work of these ministers in service to their country and in partnership with the United States.English
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Wednesday, November 5, 2014
We write today to urge more robust engagement by your administration on the Egyptian government’s current efforts to target independent nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and likely shut down organizations that do not register under a highly restrictive 2002 law. By all accounts, this effort may well end most independent civil society work in the country. English
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Wednesday, November 5, 2014
U.S. Secretary of State Kerry and Jordanian Foreign Minister Judeh discussed relations with Israel.English
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Wednesday, November 5, 2014
More than two months into the US and coalition air campaign, Obama administration officials and members of the US military’s senior leadership are confident that “Operation Inherent Resolve” is having the intended effect against the Islamic State (ISIS or ISIL). The air strikes that began in Iraq on August 8 and the strikes that began in Syria on September 23, according to the Pentagon, are forcing Islamic State militants to adapt their battlefield tactics, disperse units into smaller and more mobile teams, and change the way it behaves as an offensive force. English
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Tuesday, November 4, 2014
As Lebanon’s parliament debates canceling national elections and extending its own term by more than two years, Freedom House issued the following statement: "Lebanon's legislators should respect the constitution and the right of Lebanon's citizens to have a say in who governs them, and that requires parliamentary elections," said Charles Dunne, director of Middle East and North Africa programs. "Despite security concerns in the country, arbitrarily prolonging the parliament’s term in office does not promote political stability or rule of law. Lebanon’s leaders should hold elections this year as scheduled, as a meaningful step toward ending the country’s political crises." Lebanon is rated Partly Free in Freedom in the World 2014 and Partly Free in Freedom of the Press 2013.
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Tuesday, November 4, 2014
It is becoming clear that the American-led international coalition and its airstrikes in Iraq and Syria alone are not going to defeat ISIS. The U.S. government, its Western allies, and its Middle East partners, thus far, are against deploying ground troops to Iraq. The New Iraqi Army, a Shiite dominated organisation, has shown itself unwilling or incapable of defending Sunni-dominated western provinces. None of the parties concerned will commit soldiers to face ISIS, despite their acts of unspeakable violence and depravity. Current U.S. policy is against any military action in Iraq that does not come from the air, including firm support for non-conventional ground forces. The results thus far speak for themselves.English
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Friday, October 10, 2014
Preserving our readiness remains critical to maintaining the Nation’s capability to project power and influence anywhere, anytime. As the Distribution Process Owner (DPO), USTRANSCOM focuses on end-to-end performance and on providing the most value by targeting process improvements and enterprise performance measurements.English
Africa Regional
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Friday, October 10, 2014
This year marks the fifth anniversary of the formation of the command. Since our standup in 2008, our operational capabilities and capacities have markedly increased. In parallel, our relationships with African partners and our security cooperation engagements have matured in both focus and effectiveness.English
Africa Regional
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Thursday, October 9, 2014
To properly grasp the challenge posed by Iran’s activities in the Western Hemisphere, they need to be understood in proper geopolitical context: as part of a larger “peripheral strategy” on the part of the Iranian regime. English
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Thursday, October 9, 2014
Both Azerbaijan and the United States are participating states in the OSCE, and as such, have agreed to the principle that comprehensive security and stability requires not only physical security and economic development but respect for human rights as well. English
Thursday, October 9, 2014
This research has taken me to 15 countries throughout the Hemisphere on fact-finding trips documenting numerous eyewitness accounts, collecting investigative records of various countries in the region, and analyzing confidential reports produced by sources developed from over a decade of work in Latin America.English
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Thursday, October 9, 2014
The U.S. has struggled to define a strategic value for engagement in Central Asia that goes beyond security or counterterrorism or energy, and Central Asia has become more important after the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 and then a similar shift occurred in 2009, with the creation of the Northern Distribution Network. English
Central Asia Regional
Thursday, October 9, 2014
With terrorist threat and tactics becoming more complex and diverse, the project works to foster public discourse, provide expert analysis, and develop proactive policy solutions on how best to respond to emerging challenges.English
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Thursday, October 9, 2014
The mission of Africa Command is to protect and defend the national security interests of the United States by strengthening the defense capabilities of African states and regional organizations and, when directed, conduct military operations, in order to deter and defeat transnational threats and to provide a security environment conducive to good governance and development.English
Africa Regional
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Thursday, October 9, 2014
The Subcommittee asked me to address several specific issues relating to Iran’s expanding influence in the Western Hemisphere, each of which is complex, and the threat that this influence might present to the U.S. HomelandEnglish
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Thursday, October 9, 2014
It is fitting that this Committee—the Foreign Relations Committee—is holding this hearing. As I reflect on my own role and the role of many who tried just as hard to keep us safe after 9/11, we got many of the tactics right but the strategy wrong. We have yet to develop a narrative, a positive-sum roadmap for where we are going and why others will benefit by joining with us.English
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