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This section includes the latest news relating to U.S. security policy around the world. Updated daily, the news provided in this searchable database highlights the most relevant security developments from around the world. 

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Thursday, February 26, 2015
Less than three years after independence, South Sudan collapsed into bloody civil war. Could the United States, a crucial backer of the young African state, have prevented the violence?English
South Sudan
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Thursday, February 26, 2015
Three Central Asian men have been arrested in the United States and charged with conspiring to support the Islamic State. The charges underscore the threat of lone wolf attacks by people inspired to fight for the Islamic State without ever having traveled to the Middle East, American officials say.English
Central Asia Regional
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Thursday, February 26, 2015
Cuban President Raúl Castro awarded medals to five men on Tuesday, calling them national heroes for their espionage work in the U.S. English
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Wednesday, February 25, 2015
The top watchdog for U.S. efforts to stabilize Afghanistan is seeking details on the prospective size of Afghan security forces, at a time when the Obama administration is reportedly considering slowing the removal of U.S. troops from that war-torn country. Newly sworn in Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter visited Afghanistan Saturday to assess the situation there. English
Central Asia Regional
Publisher / Source: 
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
With the recent agreement in Minsk for a ceasefire in Ukraine, it may be tempting to put the brakes on assistance for the Ukrainian military. But given how brittle this agreement remains – as well as Ukraine’s long-term security needs – it is imperative not just that such efforts move ahead, but that the United States and Europe cooperate in doing so.English
Central Asia Regional
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Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Britain is hoping to expand its training and exercise effort with countries in the Arabian Gulf, but is not looking to strike any further basing agreements on the lines of the naval accord with Bahrain late last year, according to the UK's defense procurement minister.English
Middle East and North Africa Regional
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Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Crisis Group and other organizations have repeatedly warned of Venezuela’s dangerous polarization since the violence that killed 43 people, landed 61 in jail (now including Ledezma) and resulted in judicial restrictions on another 2,000. Neither government nor opposition, however, has responded with more than pompous sermonizing.English
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Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Senate Democrats on Tuesday unexpectedly challenged the Obama administration's plan to pour $1 billion into Central America to try to slow the flow of unaccompanied minors and others who enter the United States illegally.English
Central America Regional
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Wednesday, February 25, 2015
n the documentary, journalist Rodrigo Vasquez talks to government negotiators, FARC commanders taking part in peace talks, members of the military, demobilized FARC and paramilitary commanders, and victims.English
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Wednesday, February 25, 2015
The international expansion of the jihadist organization known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) has become a much-discussed topic. One of the most prominent additions to ISIL’s franchise has been the Sinai-based group Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis (ABM). English
Middle East and North Africa Regional
Publisher / Source: 
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Military and diplomatic efforts in Syria are converging in Aleppo, once the country’s largest city and commercial center. Last week, U.N. Special Envoy Staffan de Mistura reported to the Security Council that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad had agreed to suspend for six weeks all aerial and artillery bombardment of the besieged cityEnglish
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Wednesday, February 25, 2015
The agreement allows the two countries to engage in joint training to combat transnational criminal organizations. The pact also regulates the actions of U.S. personnel in the Caribbean nation related to visits, training, exercises, humanitarian efforts, and other activities mutually agreed upon by the countries.English
Dominican Republic
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Wednesday, February 25, 2015
The upcoming IT Leaders Africa Summit will explore the mechanisms companies could use to ensure a secure information-processing environment. The event, which is in its sixth year, is scheduled for March 18 and 19 at the Maslow Hotel in Sandton, Johannesburg.English
Africa Regional
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Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Even when a government has carried out the most assiduous narcotics control law enforcement measures, a country can be placed on the United States Major Drug Transit or Major Illicit Drug Producing Countries list. This is exactly what happened to Belize for Fiscal Year 2015. Major drug transit or illicit drug producing countries are placed on the list due to the combination of geographic, commercial, and economic factors that allow drugs to be produced and transported within its boundaries.English
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Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Maritime matters have long been neglected in most African countries. While almost all coastal states on the continent claim an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) that stretches out to 200 nautical miles (370 kilometres) from the coastline, little effort has been made to realise the ocean’s economic potential. In recent years, however, the picture has started to change.English
Africa Regional
Publisher / Source: 
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Some 10,000 U.S. M-16 rifles and other military supplies worth about $17.9 million arrived in Iraq this week as U.S. troops pushed ahead with training and supplying Iraqi security forces battling Islamic State fighters, the Pentagon said on Tuesday.English
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Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Horrific as reality now appears inside Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Yemen (places where America so far has intervened without achieving victory), Nigeria and Boko Haram present another vexing set of threats that America and what remains of the civilized world cannot ignore for much longer.English
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Wednesday, February 25, 2015
The Economic Community of Central African States on Monday sought to collaborate with the Economic Community of West African States to fight the Boko Haram Sect.English
Central African Republic
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Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Azerbaijan’s most prominent investigative reporter, Khadija Ismayilova remains in extended pre-trial detention, awaiting her day in court to face a variety of criminal charges. Meanwhile, Ismayilova’s fellow reporters at the Azeri service of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty are experiencing a rising level of harassment. English
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Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Kazakhstan exports all of its uranium, having no nuclear power industry, but it will only sell to countries that signed the 1994 Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances, committing them to peaceful uses of nuclear technology.English
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