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This section includes the latest news relating to U.S. security policy around the world. Updated daily, the news provided in this searchable database highlights the most relevant security developments from around the world. 

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Tuesday, May 24, 2016
From May 10th-12th, senior-level non-commissioned officers (NCO) from all three branches of the Salvadoran Military and the New Hampshire National Guard met with representatives from U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) in San Salvador to exchange ideas on how to support the role of NCOs in the Salvadoran Armed Forces. English
El Salvador
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Tuesday, May 24, 2016
The outgoing U.S. commander of AFRICOM warns that the force must adapt to effectively meet the shifting challenges and complexities of 21st century security issues in Africa.English
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
India and Oman signed pacts to upgrade their defense ties during Indian Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar's May 20-22 visit to the gulf nation, which was the first country India established defense ties with in the 1970s.English
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Tuesday, May 24, 2016
THE OBAMA administration says the killing of Taliban leader Akhtar Mohammad Mansour in a U.S. drone strike “eliminates one roadblock to peace in Afghanistan,” as Defense Secretary Ash Carter put it in a statement. While that may be true — Mansour was said to have resisted negotiations with the Afghan government — the Taliban chief was not the only nor even the most important block to an Afghan settlement. Unless and until President Obama addresses some of the others, including his own reluctance to provide adequate support to the Afghan military, Saturday’s strike can’t be expected to much improve a deteriorating situation. English
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Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Human rights campaigners have condemned the British government after it announced it would significantly boost its military support to Oman, a country that has been criticised for suppressing freedom of speech.English
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Tuesday, May 24, 2016
TBILISI (Sputnik) — The US-Georgian military exercises Noble Partner 2016 concluded at the Vaziani airport near the capital city of Tbilisi on Tuesday. English
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Tuesday, May 24, 2016
El Salvador’s attorney general has begun arresting law enforcement officials who helped carry out a truce between gangs that, until just a few years ago, was central to the nation’s strategy for taming its infamous violence.
El Salvador
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Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Authorities in Kazakhstan reacted with startling severity to attempts to hold rallies against land reforms on May 21 by detaining possibly hundreds of journalists, activists and demonstrators. Police had been laying the ground for their hardline approach in the days ahead of the demonstrations by arbitrarily detaining and jailing people suspected of organizing the protests.English
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Tuesday, May 24, 2016
In one of the largest and most significant drug seizures in Colombia's history, the National Police confiscated 9.3 tons of cocaine, valued at around $250 million, as part of Operation Agamemnon on May 15th. English
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Tuesday, May 24, 2016
The United States is on track to spend more than $600 billion on the military this year -- more, that is, than was spent at the height of President Ronald Reagan’s Cold War military buildup, and more than the military budgets of at least the next seven nations in the world combined. English
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Tuesday, May 24, 2016
On 12 May Egypt received the first shipment of armoured vehicles from the US. Thursday’s delivery was “the first batch of a total of 762 MRAP vehicles that the United States is transferring to Egypt,” the U.S. Embassy in Cairo reported.English
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Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Following on reports of Botswana in discussions with Sweden over the purchase of eight Gripen C/D fighter jets, it has emerged that the southern African country is seeking to acquire armoured vehicles and air defence systems as well. English
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Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Pentagon officials say the U.S. is unlikely to deploy ground-level American combat advisers to support the Iraqi Army’s new operation to oust Islamic State militants from Fallujah. Yet the U.S. military will continue to provide airstrikes for the Iraqi troops moving into Fallujah. English
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Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Last Monday's incident where anti-IEBC protests turned into running battles rekindled memories of the 1980s where cases of police brutality were rampant, as well as elicited debate on police reforms and the general conduct of the police.English
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Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Human rights groups say Saudi-led coalition warplanes improperly used U.S.-made cluster bombs in Yemen, posing a danger to civilians two months after a cease-fire was reached in the country's civil war.English
Saudi Arabia
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Monday, May 23, 2016
Tajikistan - the poorest ex-Soviet nation with a long and porous border with Afghanistan - announced on Monday the results of a constitutional referendum that makes the heavy-handed rule of President Emomali Rakhmon virtually unlimited, paves the way for his son's presidency, and outlaws "faith-based" parties.English
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Monday, May 23, 2016
A monitoring group has said that at least 60,000 people have died in Syrian government jails during the five-year conflict. Syrian government officials could not be reached for comment on the report by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which cited sources in the security apparatus for the toll. English
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Monday, May 23, 2016
The U.S. drone strike that killed Taliban chief Akhtar ­Mo­hammad Mansour represents another escalation in U.S. involvement in the war in Afghanistan by trying to cripple an insurgent group that has for years found refuge on Pakistani soil.English
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Monday, May 23, 2016
Tunisia has entered into a security partnership with Canada to aid in the fight against terrorism. The pact was announced on Saturday during a visit by Canadian Foreign Minister Stephane Dion, to the north African country.English
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Wire Service: 
Monday, May 23, 2016
NATO foreign ministers and alliance partners have agreed to extend the Resolute Support mission that trains, advises and assists Afghanistan's security forces and institutions beyond 2016.
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Wire Service: 
