
Wednesday, April 8, 2009 - 00:00
Judge Cesar San Martin concluded there was "no question" that Fujimori had sanctioned the killings during massacres in 1991 and '92 as well as the '92 kidnappings of journalist Gustavo Goritti and businessman Samuel Dyer
Friday, March 27, 2009 - 00:00
He talked with TIME's Tim Padgett this week about his police reform, drug-cartel death threats against him and comparisons of Juarez to Baghdad.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009 - 00:00
As Washington hyperventilates over the threat of Mexico's narco-carnage spilling into the U.S., it can't ignore America's role in its neighbor's trafficking tragedy.
Friday, March 6, 2009 - 00:00
President Lula's fiscal reforms have been accompanied by social programs
Monday, March 2, 2009 - 00:00
The armies massing on both sides of the border are marching against a common foe - drug cartels - and the coming months will be a crucial test as to whether they can effectively work together to fight it.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 - 00:00
Tuesday, February 24, 2009 - 00:00
In a draft report released Feb. 23rd, Sen. Richard Lugar, the top Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, concludes that Washington's unilateral embargo on the Carribbean nation has been ineffective and should be reevaluated
Friday, February 20, 2009 - 00:00
Daily demonstrations demanding that the army leave Mexico's streets have erupted in towns and cities along Mexico's border with Texas and down the coast of the Gulf of Mexico
Monday, February 16, 2009 - 00:00
When President Hugo Chavez first asked Venezuelans to eliminate presidential term limits in December 2007, they told him no. But on Sunday, as if resigned to the idea that he would keep on asking until he got the answer he wanted, voters said yes
Monday, February 9, 2009 - 00:00
President Rafael Correa rather petulantly expelled a U.S. diplomat on Saturday. He did so because the diplomat rather high-handedly sent Correa's national police commander a letter saying the U.S. was pulling $340,000 in aid to Ecuador's anti-drug cops
