Morocco World News

Monday, August 1, 2016 - 15:06

In the shadow of the British vote to leave the European Union and rising protectionist sentiment in the United States, the four presidents of the Pacific Alliance—Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru—met last week in southern Chile to reaffirm their commitment to open markets, free trade, and integration. 

Monday, August 1, 2016 - 15:06
The first shipment from Morocco’s order of 220 M1 Abrams battle tanks arrived in Morocco on Sunday. According to the American Defense Security and Cooperation Agency, negotiations between the Kingdom and the United States for the tanks began in 2012. Morocco planned to purchase 200 Abrams tanks, complete with parts, equipment, support, and training, for over $1 billion.
Friday, December 4, 2015 - 07:00
According to Moroccan daily Assabah in its Friday issue, Morocco has sent 1,500 elite soldiers to Yemen to participate in the Arab Coalition’s ground military offensive, which will be carried out under the command of Saudi Arabia.