The Miami Herald

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - 00:00
Guatemalan President Alvaro Colom said Tuesday he will grant a U.S. extradition request for former president Alfonso Portillo, who faces U.S. charges of money laundering related to the alleged embezzlement of $1.5 million in foreign donations.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - 00:00
The charismatic and combative leftist who paralyzed the streets of Mexico City after narrowly losing the country's last presidential election will make another run next year after winning an opinion poll released by his party on Tuesday.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011 - 00:00
The list of urgent needs in Haiti is extensive, from housing to a thorough clean-up of its streets and refugee camps to better sanitation and medical treatment. Not on this list: a new army.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011 - 00:00
The South American country is known for the flamboyant anti-Americanism and "21st-century socialism" of its authoritarian president, Hugo Chavez. Less known is the fact that, under Chavez, Venezuela has become the crime capital of the Western He
Monday, November 14, 2011 - 00:00
Due to the financial crisis, many workers had to cut back on the money they sent to their families in Latin American and Caribbean countries the past few years, but remittances are back on the rise in 2011.
Friday, November 11, 2011 - 00:00
Colombian students see Chilean "contagion" as they take to the streets to protest education reforms.
Thursday, November 10, 2011 - 00:00
Police in Nicaragua say two clashes among rival political groups have killed four people and injured 12 since Sunday's presidential election.
Thursday, November 10, 2011 - 00:00
What was most surprising about Nicaragua’s election on Sunday was not that President Daniel Ortega was reelected after a highly questionable electoral process, but that his victory got a seemingly unconditional blessing from 34-country Organization of A
Wednesday, November 9, 2011 - 00:00
Newly re-elected President Daniel Ortega said Tuesday there won't be any dramatic changes in his new administration and that he will continue taking Nicaragua on a path that is "Christian, socialist and in solidarity."
Wednesday, November 9, 2011 - 00:00
A top U.S. State Department official said Tuesday that drug traffickers may return to old Caribbean smuggling routes as law enforcement pressure builds against them in Mexico and Central America.
