The Independent (UK)

Monday, March 31, 2008 - 00:00
Renewed efforts are under way to persuade the left-wing Farc guerrillas to release the 46 years old former Colombian presidential candidate, who is said to be seriously ill
Monday, March 24, 2008 - 00:00
The image of Kim Howells squatting with a unit who are alleged to have tortured and butchered trade unionists can be seen as a Rosetta Stone for the dark side of our foreign policy
Tuesday, March 4, 2008 - 00:00
The incident has exposed the political fault lines in Latin America with Venezuela's President, Hugo Chavez, and his left-wing ally in Ecuador ranged against the US-backed Alvaro Uribe
Thursday, February 21, 2008 - 00:00
The handover to his brother will ensure that Cuba's highly effective machinery of repression continues to operate unimpeded
Wednesday, December 26, 2007 - 00:00
Since the death of the notorious cocaine supplier, his estate has fallen into disrepair. But today it reopens as a theme park, complete with the hippos, zebras and other animals
Tuesday, December 4, 2007 - 00:00
It was a stunning reversal for the usually cocksure leader who has never been defeated at the polls since first coming to power in 1999
Thursday, October 4, 2007 - 00:00
The Afghan President, Hamid Karzai, is resisting American pressure to authorise a major programme of crop spraying
Monday, September 17, 2007 - 00:00
It remains to be seen, however, whether the latest successes mark a real turning point, or if the arrests and killings will simply prompt the emergence of a new generation
Monday, August 27, 2007 - 00:00
Senior Labour figures are to demand that the UK ends military aid to Colombia because of alleged human rights abuses and concerns about the drug trade
