The Economist

Friday, February 6, 2015 - 07:15
It is not every day that a president launches an investigation into his own affairs, but that is what Mexico’s leader, Enrique Peña Nieto, has just done. On February 3rd he announced that he, his wife and his finance minister will become the first subjects of a conflict-of-interest investigation.
Monday, February 2, 2015 - 07:13
It has been an auspicious start to the year in Colombia. Fewer people have died in the country’s armed conflict than in any other month in the past 30 years. That is a result of the declaration of an indefinite ceasefire by the FARC guerrillas. After more than two years of talks in Havana between the government and the FARC, officials are optimistic about reaching an agreement in the coming months. “I hope this is the year of peace,” said Juan Manuel Santos, Colombia’s president.
Friday, November 21, 2014 - 05:52
Last year military spending there grew by 8.3%, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), faster than in other parts of the world (see chart). Two out of three African countries have substantially increased military spending over the past decade; the continent as a whole raised military expenditure by 65%, after it had stagnated for the previous 15 years.
Thursday, November 20, 2014 - 05:30
The only way to defeat the insurgents is for Nigeria to do what it should have done long ago for other reasons: sort out its governance. Politicians should concentrate on building institutions, such as a fair-minded police force and a competent health care system, rather than filling their pockets in cooperation with criminals.
Monday, August 25, 2014 - 11:12
A poll by Datafolha taken after the tragedy and published on August 18th gave Mr Campos’s running-mate, Marina Silva, more than double his most recent showing (see chart). On August 20th Campos’s centrist Brazilian Socialist Party (PSB) duly blessed Ms Silva as his replacement, naming Beto Albuquerque, one of its congressmen, as her running mate.
Friday, August 8, 2014 - 06:28
Cuba-watchers have paid close attention to the visits of Russia’s president, Vladimir Putin, and China’s leader, Xi Jinping, in recent weeks
Friday, July 11, 2014 - 06:22
Better policing in the south may be in part responsible for pushing the crack trade north.
Tuesday, July 1, 2014 - 07:07
Trafficking is still a huge problem—and so is the way it is policed. While some high-level arrests are being made, it is mainly small-time dealers and people buying drugs for their personal use who are thrown into prison to make the statistics look good.
Tuesday, May 27, 2014 - 07:43
We still believe that he has a slight advantage, given the UN's strong political machinery
Thursday, May 22, 2014 - 08:05
The Caribbean already has some of the world’s highest murder rates. The trafficking revival will do nothing to bring them down.
