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In 2012, the United States trained slightly more Latin American military and police forces than in 2011, according to the U.S. State and Defense Departments’ 2012-2013 Foreign Military Training Report (FMTR), the annual report that documents U.S. training of foreign forces. This increase is largely due to increases in Defense Department (DOD) training and training through Foreign Military Sales, a program through which countries purchase training and other defense articles and services. Top recipients...

The United States military has substantially stepped up its counternarcotics assistance training programs with a number of Central Asian states, according to recently released documents from the U.S. State and Defense Departments. According to the documents, in 2012 the U.S. trained ...

This post extracts key trends and information from the Middle East and North Africa portion of the 2012 Foreign Military Training Report, which details United States military and police training activities around the world.

The top recipients of U.S. training in 2012 – Lebanon and the Gulf States:


The following is a round-up of some of the top security-related articles and news highlights from around the region over the past week.

Vice President Biden in Panama

  • On Tuesday, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden
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A roundup of some of the top articles and news highlights from around Central Eurasia over the last week:

The Caucasus and Turkey:

  • For the first time in two years, the presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan met to discuss the resolution of the conflict over Nagorno Karabakh. Both sides said little about the result of the talks, but they reportedly agreed to meet again “in the coming

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Below is a roundup of some of the top articles and news highlights from around the Middle East and North Africa over the last week:


  • In an interview with a Kuwaiti newspaper, Egypt’s Defense Minister General Abdul-Fatah Al-Sisi stated that it would unwise for Egypt to significantly alter its relationship with the United States. In the same interview, Gen. Sisi refused to confirm or deny his intention to run for Egypt’s
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