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In the span of less than one week, Mexican security forces captured two of the most notorious and feared drug cartel leaders in the country. But does the Drug War tactic known as the Kingpin Strategy, a policy supported by the U.S. government and supplemented by billions of dollars in U.S. aid, actually make Mexico safer?

Although UAE has been a strong U.S. military ally, participating in every major global U.S. military coalition effort except for the 2003 invasion of Iraq, UAE’s recent actions, particularly in Libya, have frustrated U.S. officials and raised questions about the potential misuse of U.S.-supplied arms to UAE. 

This post was compiled by the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) Intern Alejandro Urruti Heath. It provides an overview of news related to security issues in Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Centeral America, Colombia, Cuba, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela

Despite the tension between the two countries, though, as National Security Advisor Susan Rice’s speech made clear to the conference, U.S. military aid to Israel is not in question.

This post was compiled by the Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) Intern Alejandro Urruti Heath. It provides an overview of news related to civi-military relations in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Coasta Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru and Venezuela.


Released in early February, the Obama Administration’s new National Security Strategy for 2015 reaffirms U.S. foreign security assistance as a key part of U.S. efforts to address counterterrorism and prevent conflict abroad. Compared to the last U.S. National Security Strategy from 2010, however, there are some notable differences, some of which may indicate a narrower U.S. security assistance focus.


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