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On May 13, the Senate Appropriations Committee “marked up” (agreed upon a draft of) a bill making $58.8 billion in new, or “supplemental,” appropriations for 2010 U.S. government spending. The Senate’s version of H.R. 4899 includes...

Abigail and Adam discuss the May 19-20 state visit of Mexican President Felipe Calderón, Brazilian President Lula's visit to Iran, a new Inter-American Human Rights Commission report on citizen security, and the tight race for Colombia's May 30 elections.

The "Just the Facts" podcast is available here and on iTunes. Thank you for listening.


Four Washington, DC-based NGOs sent an open letter to Colombia's presidential and vice-presidential candidates earlier today. They ask, "How will you pledge to build a nation where rights are respected and peace is possible?" The four organizations are the Center for International Policy, Latin America Working Group Education Fund, Washington Office on Latin America, and U.S. Office on Colombia ("Just the Facts" is a joint project of three of them). In the letter, the groups ask the candidates to address seven questions: 1. What will you do to promote progress towards a just and lasting...

In our latest "Just the Facts" podcast, Adam talks with John Walsh, senior associate on the Washington Office on Latin America's Drug Policy Program, about the Obama administration's newly announced anti-drug strategy, made public on May 11.

The "Just the Facts" podcast is available here and on iTunes. Thank you for listening.


This post was written by CIP Intern Cristina Salas On May 5th, Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Chuck Grassley, (R-Iowa) co-chaired a Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control hearing on "Drug Trafficking Violence in Mexico: Implications for the United States." The main topic of discussion at this hearing was the need to prevent drug trafficking-related violence from penetrating furthermore into the United States. The co-chairs insisted on getting answers about what specific measures have to...

On Tuesday, heads of state from South America met in Buenos Aires, Argentina for a summit meeting of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR). Many topics were discussed at the summit, including the election of its first secretary general, Arizona's controversial immigration law, Argentina's right to the Falkland Islands (Malvinas), and Paraguay's fight against the leftist guerrilla group, the Paraguayan People's Army (EPP). Colombian President Álvaro Uribe did not...


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