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In a provocative article published yesterday in the Argentine newspaper La Nación, Carlos Pagni analyzes political and power interests behind diplomatic relations in South America. The article highlights the “new” role Argentina is playing in the Western Hemisphere’s political scene.

Argentina has been criticized, since Nestor Kirchner’s administration and continuing through Cristina Kirchner’s government as well, for not having a coherent foreign policy. However, events from the past week provide...

Late Tuesday, Colombia’s Constitutional Court, part of its Supreme Court, decided by a 6-3 vote to strike down a defense cooperation agreement that Colombia’s government had signed with the United States in October 2009.

This accord, which...

Carrobomba en Caracol

  • A car bomb went off in central Bogotá at 5:30 Thursday morning, injuring 9 people. It is believed that the target was the nearby headquarters of the Caracol radio network. President Juan Manuel

  • ...


As head of Colombia's military justice system, Luz Marina Gil passed human rights cases to the civilian court system. Then she was forced out.

At some point between now and the end of September, the Obama administration’s Department of State is likely to issue a document "certifying" that Colombia’s armed forces...



This post was written by Senior Fellow George Withers and Fellow Lucila Santos at the Washington Office on Latin America.

The Government Accountability Office (GAO), the investigative arm of the U.S. Congress, has just issued a report evaluating the reorganization efforts of the U.S. Southern Command and the U.S. Africa Command, laying out the challenges, successes and lessons learned so far.

On Wednesday, Rep John F. Tierney (D-Massachusetts), Chairman of the Subcommittee on National Security and...

Adam talks about Colombia's charges that Venezuela is helping the FARC guerrillas, the validity of Colombia's appeals to the OAS and UNASUR, and the reasons why Colombia may have brought its complaint now. This podcast was recorded the evening of July 29, while UNASUR foreign ministers were meeting – and ultimately failing - to resolve the crisis.

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