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  • Since 2005, 168 explosive devices have gone off in Santiago, Chile. There have never been any arrests.

  • Cuban dissidents say there are now 90 political prisoners on the island, a number that has doubled in the past nine months.

  • Ecuador

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  • The Washington Office on Latin America (WOLA) delivered a petition, developed in cooperation with more than a dozen human rights and anti-gun violence groups, to Vice-President Biden’s gun control task force. It was signed by 55,000 people from the United States and Mexico. A copy was also delivered to the American Embassy in Mexico City. The petition called for executive actions to curtail the rampant smuggling into Mexico of weapons purchased in the United States.

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For 26 years, U.S. Southern Command has had a Special Forces component, Special Operations Command South (SOCSOUTH), headed by a general and based in Florida. It coordinates the activities of Special Operations Forces (elite “warrior-diplomats” like Army Rangers and Green Berets, or Navy SEALs and Special Boat Units) in Southcom’s area of operations, which includes all of Latin America...

“For the first time in more than 25 years, an American Soldier has graduated from the Guatemalan special operations Kaibil School, in Poptún, Guatemala,” announces a December...

Mexico City and its environs have long been a sort of haven from the country’s organized crime-related bloodshed. Unlike notoriously violent cities like Ciudad Juárez, Monterrey and Acapulco, the country’s capital has a homicide rate lower than Washington’s. Mexico City itself — with about 8.9 million people — averages...

The military use of robotics, especially unmanned aerial vehicles or “drones,” is growing worldwide, and Latin America is participating fully in the trend. Countries are purchasing drones, and even developing their own, for a variety of purposes. For the most part, they are doing so without U.S. involvement.

Using secondary sources, WOLA Intern...


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In a move that has been widely criticized by government officials, NGOs, and human rights activists...
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