South Sudan: fears grow for 75,000 people fleeing violence

Relief groups have expressed alarm over the plight of 75,000 people who have fled to the town of Awerial amid clashes between government and rebel troops in South Sudan. Tens of thousands of South Sudanese have converged on the town in Lakes state after escaping violence in Bor, the capital of neighbouring Jonglei state, where fighting has been particularly intense. With more people arriving daily, living conditions are near catastrophic, according to Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), the medical non-governmental organisation. MSF and Oxfam say there is an urgent need for clean water, latrines and shelter for the mostly women and children who have gathered in Awerial, about 30 miles from Bor. Awerial has the largest concentration of displaced people in the conflict. "The situation for these women and children is very alarming," said Aurélie Dupont, MSF's emergency co-ordinator in the town. "They have fled their homes and have arrived here with few belongings. There is no clean water, no food, and no place to shelter or sleep. They are relying solely on the help of the local population." François Moreillon, deputy head of delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), said: "The road to the river is lined with thousands of people, with others waiting for boats to carry them across. This is the largest single identified concentration of displaced people in the country so far." As humanitarian organisations struggle with the growing numbers of displaced people, peace talks are under way in Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian capital. Ethiopia's foreign ministry says delegations from South Sudan's warring factions will meet for the first time on Thursday. Ethiopia is trying to broker a peace deal between the South Sudanese president, Salva Kiir, and his deputy turned rival, Riek Machar. A power struggle, which turned violent last month, has taken on an ethnic dimension as Kiir is Dinka and Machar is Nuer. More than 120,000 people have fled their homes to escape the violence, with many seeking refuge in UN peacekeeping bases in Juba, the South Sudanese capital, and elsewhere in the country. "We ask all political leaders who have begun peace talks today in Ethiopia to urgently take steps towards ceasefire and work actively towards reconciliation," said Emma Drew, Oxfam's acting South Sudan director. "[We] strongly condemn the use of violent force against civilians, particularly women and children, and request South Sudanese security forces and other armed groups to respect human rights of all its people, regardless of ethnic origin. We call on all parties to protect and respect humanitarian activities." Justine Greening, the UK's international development secretary, announced on Tuesday that Britain would send emergency healthcare, shelter and other vital supplies for those who have fled their homes. The £12.5m package will provide immediate supplies and support to organisations operating in South Sudan, including the ICRC and UN agencies. The money will go towards tents, emergency medical treatment and clean water. The sum is in addition to the £60m provided by the Department for International Development to South Sudan last year.
South Sudan
Date Published: 
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Publisher / Source: 