Kazakhstani Parliament ratifies security cooperation deal with Caspian states

he Senators (upper house) of the Parliament of Kazakhstan ratified the security cooperation agreement with the Caspian states today, the official media said. The agreement was signed in Baku, Azerbaijan, on November 18, 2010 by the Governments of Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Iran, Russia, and Turkmenistan. The agreement terms and conditions state that the member parties will cooperate on fight against terrorism, organized crime, illicit gun trafficking, and other related areas. The parties must determine the competent authorities that will participate in implementation of the agreement. The parties are also to exchange information through written requests. Each competent authority must ensure the confidentiality of information and documents, if the relevant authority requests confidentiality. The member state will appoint the competent authorities who will participate in implementation of the terms of the agreement.
Date Published: 
Thursday, June 26, 2014
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