Caribbean Border Counternarcotics Strategy

Brief Description of Report

The 2014 Caribbean Border Counternarcotics Strategy articulates the U.S. framework for reducing the threats associated with drugs at the border and is guided by the following strategic goal and six strategic objectives: 

  1. Enhance intelligence and information-sharing capabilities and processes associated with the Caribbean border.

  2. Interdict illicit drugs and drug proceeds at and between U.S. ports of entry in the Caribbean.

  3. Interdict illicit drugs and illicit drug proceeds in the air and maritime domains in and around the Caribbean border; maximize evidence and intelligence collection to support criminal investigations leading to associated and higher echelon networks.

  4. Disrupt and dismantle transnational criminal organizations operating in and around the Caribbean border.

  5. Substantially reduce the level of drug related violent crime in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

  6. Strengthen communities and reduce the demand for drugs. 


Caribbean Regional
International Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement
Report For: 
Issued by: 
The White House
Thu, 01/01/2015