
Tuesday, September 30, 2014 - 12:26
Earlier this month, Kenyans commemorated the heinous attack on the Westgate Mall in Nairobi. That dark September day last year claimed the lives of 67 people, hailing from more than a dozen countries. Now, as the international community mobilizes to act against terrorists in the Middle East, it would do well to remember the lessons of the Westgate tragedy.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014 - 07:18
The CIS Security Council secretaries held meeting in Moscow, where they discussed the efforts to counter international terrorism and religious extremism, radicalization of Islam and its possible consequences for the CIS states, destructive activity of "Al-Qaeda" and the terrorist group "The Islamic state of Iraq and Sham" (ISIS), as well as issues of cooperation in the sphere of international information security.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014 - 07:15
Abu Omar served with the U.S.-trained Georgian army, spent time in jail, and emerged a jihadi. Now at the top of the ISIS leadership, he wants to take the war to Russia.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014 - 06:23
On the night of Monday, September 1, 2014, a U.S. airstrike targeted two vehicles near a wooded area of Sablale district in the Lower Shabelle region of Somalia, an area used by the Somali militant group al-Shabab to train its military forces.[1] The strike killed Ahmed Godane, the elusive amir of al-Shabab, upon whom the United States had placed a $7 million bounty in June 2012.[2] The U.S. government officially confirmed Godane’s death on September 5, 2014.[3]
Tuesday, September 30, 2014 - 06:21
As outlined a short time ago on Checkpoint, the cost of the U.S. military campaign against the Islamic State is likely closing in on $1 billion, and could rise at a cost of between $200 million and $320 million per month as it continues.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014 - 06:16
Tuesday, September 30, 2014 - 06:13
The United States supports the Syrian people’s struggle for a democratic, inclusive, and unified Syria. The regime of Bashar al-Assad violently suppressed what began as a peaceful protest movement in Dar’a in March 2011, and Assad has proven through his brutal and repressive tactics that he has lost all legitimacy. His continued tenure only fuels extremism and inflames tensions throughout the region.
Monday, September 29, 2014 - 11:21
Last week was a long and momentous one in the presidency of Barack Obama. On Monday, he began a bombing campaign with members of an international coalition against ISIS and other terrorist targets in Syria, while continuing airstrikes in northern Iraq. On Wednesday, he addressed the United Nations and laid out his case in the strongest terms for international action against Muslim extremists. By Thursday, his anti-ISIS coalition had grown to more than 60 members, ranging from the Saudis, Jordanians, Emiratis and Europeans who flew missions, to the Irish and Swedes who wrote checks, to the Bulgarians and Egyptians who wished us well.
Monday, September 29, 2014 - 09:41
As the price tag for operations in Iraq, Syria and West Africa continues to grow, Pentagon leadership insists that it is well prepared to pay for all of these previously unforeseen long-term operations.
Monday, September 29, 2014 - 09:38
Armed British warplanes are flying daily missions over Iraq and would launch air strikes if called in by local forces on the ground, Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said Sunday.
