Will Honduras participate in PANAMAX 2009?

Latin America and the Caribbean

Note as of September 11: a Southern Command press release issued today makes clear that "Honduras withdrew from the exercise Aug. 10." Tomorrow marks the beginning of the Fuerzas Aliadas PANAMAX 2009 exercise, an "annual U.S. Southern Command-sponsored exercise series focused on ensuring the defense of the Panama Canal." Every year, air and sea forces from various countries form a Multi-National Force to conduct training scenarios along the Panama Canal. This year, at least 20 countries will participate. However, it is unclear if Honduras is included on the list. Various news outlets reported today that Honduras appears on the list being circulated in Panama of 21 countries that will participate in PANAMAX 2009. According to Telesur, "U.S. Southern Command invited the Armed Forces of Honduras' de facto government to participate in the FA PANAMAX 2009 training maneuvers, despite the fact that one month before Washington announced its intention to suspend all military cooperation with the Central American country." (On July 1, a U.S. Senior Administration Official said: "On the military side, we still maintain contact necessary for operational and safety issues and humanitarian affairs, but otherwise we’re standing down on our different cooperation programs.") Honduras is not listed as a participating country on the PANAMAX page on Southern Command's website. And a call to Southcom's Washington office today did not clear up whether or not Honduras will participate. We did learn that Honduras was indeed invited to participate, but their actual participation could not be confirmed. Below are two of the articles citing Honduras' participation: Telesur: Southern Command invites the Honduran de facto government to participate in military training exercise El Universal: Honduras awaits departure of expelled diplomats