U.S. military exercises in Latin America April-June

Latin America and the Caribbean

This post was compiled by WOLA Intern Lesley Wellener.

  • On June 1–25, U.S. forces conducted “Tradewinds,” an annual multinational exercise, in conjunction with the United States Military and 11 Caribbean states. Phase 1, the maritime portion, began in Antigua and Barbuda on June 2nd. Phase 2, the land portion, began in the Dominican Republic on June 16th. The theme was maritime security and disaster response, and the main purpose of Tradewinds is to promote multinational relationships in the region, specifically between the U.S., Haiti and the Dominican Republic
  • For the next two months, explosive ordnance disposal technicians from the U.S. Navy’s Explosive Ordnance Disposal Mobile Unit 3 will be in Belize as part of the “Southern Partner Station” exercise.  The technicians will be training Belizean Coast Guard Special Forces (SEALs) on how to spot “ground signs” (“looking at the ground and being able to spot anything that looks suspicious or out of place”).  The next stop for the EODs will be Guatemala, where they will help teach Guatemalan sailors how to do similar tasks.
  • On April 25, U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel traveled to Guatemala to observe the “Beyond the Horizons” humanitarian exercise, which includes helping to build school houses for local children.  “Beyond the Horizons” gives noncombat troops the opportunity to experience working with civilians and allows them to practice engineering, medical, construction and language skills.
  • In preparation for hurricane season, the Southern Command’s Joint Task Force-Bravo Medical Element, based in Honduras, conducted a humanitarian assistance and disaster response exercise. Part of the exercise sought to update emergency response technologies in the country, making it easier for the government to alert its citizens about inclement weather and other natural disasters, as well as to help medical facilities track injured patients from initial triage until their release. Hagel also honored a U.S. Army specialist who had been killed days earlier during the exercise, when he was hit by a fallen tree branch.
  • In late May the U.S. Air Force completed a training exercise with the Air Force of Chile.  The purpose of the exercise was to perform an expert exchange that focused on the use of night vision goggles.
  • On May 4–17, the Air Force of Colombia took part in a military exercise in California with the United States Air Force. “Angel Thunder” taught personnel recovery and tightened the already close relationship between the two forces.