Testimony: "International Narcotics Policies"

Latin America and the Caribbean

This morning I was pleased to have an opportunity to testify before the Domestic Policy Subcommittee of the U.S. House of Representatives' Oversight and Government Reform Committee. The occasion was a 3-panel hearing entitled, "International Counternarcotics Policies: Do They Reduce Domestic Consumption or Advance Other Foreign Policy Goals?" My testimony (PDF) focused on the frustrating experience of cocaine supply reduction efforts in Colombia and Mexico. From that experience, I draw the lesson that reducing drug supplies depends on a much larger civilian governance and justice effort -- a big commitment that resembles "nation-building" far more than it resembles a "war on drugs." Testimonies from all panelists, including "Drug Czar" Gil Kerlikowske and the senior counternarcotics officials at the State and Defense departments, are on the committee's website.