Just the Facts is on Facebook

Latin America and the Caribbean

Now, in addition to all the information about security in Latin America and the Caribbean on our website, Twitter feed and blog, Just the Facts' Facebook page provides you with a new way to interact with us and offers new features.

  • We'll highlight interesting, important or entertaining quotes of the week from members of Congress, the Obama administration, Latin America leaders and more.
  • We'll alert you to upcoming events about Latin America, including public events in and outside of Washington, D.C., policy events and hearings in Congress. You can even help us and our Facebook community keep up with important Latin America-related events we may not know about by posting them to our wall!
  • Every week we'll highlight interesting facts from our Just the Facts database on U.S. military and police assistance to the region. Did you know that in 2007, over 2,000 Peruvians were trained by the Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies at Fort McNair in Washington, D.C.?
  • Busy doing things other than reading the news over the weekend? Every Monday we'll post a quick overview of what happened in Latin America over the weekend while you were away from your computer or newspaper.
  • And finally, we want to hear from you. Read an interesting article about security in Latin America? Post it to our wall! Like something you read on our wall? Comment on it and start a conversation. Have a question about U.S. police and military assistance to Latin America? Post it on our wall and we'll try to answer it!

We invite you to check out the new Just the Facts Facebook page and click on the "Like" button at the top of the page. After you've "liked" us on Facebook, we hope you'll also spread the word by clicking on the "Suggest to Friends" link to invite your Facebook friends to "like" us, too.

We hope you'll join us on Facebook!