Increased U.S. military presence in Colombia discussed at UNASUR meeting

Latin America and the Caribbean

Today, South American leaders who are members of the Union of South American Nations, or UNASUR, met in Quito, Ecuador, where the discussion centered on the proposed agreement between the United States and Colombia to increase the presence of the U.S. military at seven Colombian bases. However, because President Uribe was not present (he decided not to attend due to the increased tensions between Colombia and its neighboring countries resulting from the agreement with the United States), the leaders in attendance decided not to condemn the military agreement between Colombia and the United States in its final document. This decision, however, does not mean that the South American leaders are happy with it. Instead, they decided that it would be better to resolve the new tension in the region through dialogue and debate - one in which Colombia and the United States would participate. Brazilian President Lula da Silva suggested that UNASUR ask for the U.S. government to clarify the proposal to allow the United States military to use Colombian bases. Lula noted that "people will have to hear things they don't like" during the discussion. It is unclear when or if this proposed meeting will take place. Regardless, the discussion surrounding the increased presence of the U.S. military in the region will continue on August 24, when Defense Ministers from the UNASUR member countries will meet. As of now, Colombian Defense Minister Gabriel Silva is planning on attending the upcoming meeting. Despite the decision to not condemn the Colombia-U.S. military agreement today, many of the region's presidents took the opportunity to speak out against it. Here are some of the statements made during the meeting: Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez: "This is worrisome. Venezuela is preparing itself, because they have their sights on us." and "The wind of war is starting to blow (in South America)." <a data-cke-saved-href="" href="" target="blank>Argentine President Cristina Fernández: The U.S. proposal is " a="" belligerent,="" unprecedented="" and="" unacceptable="" situation."="" "it="" is="" essential="" that="" we="" invite="" president="" Álvaro="" uribe="" to="" place="" where="" he="" does="" not="" feel="" there="" hostility,="" what="" needs="" be="" removed="" are="" the="" excuses."="" Bolivian President Evo Morales: "We have to avoid Colombia turning into an Israel."