The FARC's 48th Front loses a commander... again

Latin America and the Caribbean

Ecuadorian authorities yesterday arrested Andrés Guaje Chalá, alias "Danilo," who according to press reports is the chief of the 48th Front of Colombia's FARC guerrillas. "Danilo" was captured in central Quito.

The 48th Front is one of the FARC's most active and wealthiest. It operates in the department of Putumayo, along the border with Ecuador, where it controls a major route for the transshipment of cocaine. It reportedly does business with the Rastrojos paramilitary group, and is one of the fronts that the rest of the guerrilla group undoubtedly uses as an "ATM" and a conduit for obtaining weapons.

Today's headline looks very familiar. This appears to be the fourth time since February 2010 that Colombian security forces have killed or captured the 48th Front's commander.

  • In February 2010, Colombia's police and air force announced that they had killed 48th Front commander Ángel Gabriel Losada García, alias "Édgar Tovar," a month earlier.
  • In September 2010, Colombia's police and air force announced that they had killed 48th Front commander Sixto Antonio Cabana Guillén, alias "Domingo Biojó."
  • In March 2011, Colombia's army announced that it had killed the 48th Front's notorious political and financial chief, Oliver Solarte, who had apparently succeeded Cabana as overall front commander.