Sarah Margon

Tuesday, August 18, 2015 - 07:38
Shadowy intelligence operations show need for real accountability. In a letter to three U.S. senators that recently came to light, CIA director John Brennan outlined how his intelligence agency deals with abusive partners, referring – it would appear – primarily to foreign security forces.
Thursday, September 25, 2014 - 08:39
Tucked inside the continuing resolution the United States Congress passed late last week was a provision to authorize the training and equipping of “moderate, vetted” elements of the Syrian opposition. The CIA has been carrying out a covert, small-scale version of this program, according to media reports. However, the rapid territorial gains and brutality of ISIS tipped the scales and encouraged the administration to go bigger – and go public — with a $500 million Pentagon-run, train-and-equip program, said U.S. President Barack Obama in a Sept. 10 speech.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013 - 09:36
“In a First, the U.S. Army Hones an Antiterror Strategy for Africa, in Kansas” (news article, Oct. 19) exposes a conspicuous gap in American military training priorities in Africa.