Robert Bunker

Tuesday, March 29, 2016 - 06:36
Drones (also called unmanned aerial vehicles or systems—UAVs or UAS) are becoming more common along the US-Mexico border as Mexican cartel assets. While typically considered a tool for smuggling [1], they are increasingly seen as having application for other purposes including espionage, surveillance, and as weapons.
Thursday, December 3, 2015 - 06:47
Indeed, there were at least three different components of violence: open warfare between the two major gangs, a recruitment process that involved high levels of coercion and violence, and a resource generation strategy centered on extortion and intimidation. Ironically, incarcerated gang members used cell phones to extort business, especially those in the transportation sector.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012 - 00:00
The city of Hidalgo's breakaway policy will potentially send the message that the threatened use of terrorist assassination/targeted killing TTPs (tactics, techniques, and procedures) by the cartels in Mexico can be successfully utilized against US law en