Qasim Nauman

Wednesday, May 11, 2016 - 06:22
International rights organizations criticized Pakistan’s government for failing to protect human rights campaigners following the murder of an activist, warning that lack of action against extremists heightened the danger to activists.
Tuesday, April 26, 2016 - 06:27
Pakistan on Tuesday said it remains committed to peace in Afghanistan but isn’t solely responsible for ensuring the Taliban’s participation in the process, a day after Afghan President Ashraf Ghani accused it of sheltering militants.
Tuesday, September 1, 2015 - 06:30
Pakistan on Monday denied that a key Afghan insurgent group was using it as a base, responding to statements by the U.S. national security adviser about the group’s links to Pakistan.
Thursday, April 2, 2015 - 06:54
China was Pakistan’s biggest arms supplier between 2010 and 2014, accounting for 51% of Pakistani weapons imports. The U.S. was in second place with 30%, according to the report.
Thursday, March 26, 2015 - 07:12
Pakistan said Thursday it was considering a request from Saudi Arabia to participate in the Saudi-led military operation against Houthi rebels in Yemen. It remains unclear what military assistance the Saudis have asked for, though media reports suggest that Riyadh wants Pakistani participation in both airstrikes and ground operations. Pakistan has long been a close ally of Saudi Arabia, though in recent years, Islamabad has also improved its ties with neighboring Iran, a rival to Saudi Arabia.