Edmund Kagire

Monday, February 2, 2015 - 06:16
The United States has welcomed the offensive launched by the DR Congo government forces against the Rwandan rebels based in the eastern part of the country.
Monday, January 13, 2014 - 07:48
In a clear signal of its intention to play a greater peacekeeping role, Kigali this week also announced that it would be sending more policemen to South Sudan and Darfur to boost the already existing mission there, in what is being seen as its latest attempt to mend a tattered image. It is expected that Rwandan troops will join an existing hybrid peacekeeping force made up of 1,000 French troops and a 2,500-strong AU peacekeeping force. It is not clear how the Rwandan troops will operate alongside the Congolese and French troops given the historical and ideological differences that exist between DRC, France and Rwanda.