Dion Nissenbaum

Thursday, October 13, 2016 - 07:06
Plans for a pivotal offensive to uproot Islamic State from the Iraqi city of Mosul are running into unexpected complications from Turkey, which is pressing the U.S. and Iraq to incorporate its allies into the battle’s fighting force.
Wednesday, January 13, 2016 - 06:22
The Pentagon is weighing a request from Turkish officials to help train and equip Sunni Arab fighters inside Syria as part of an effort to secure Turkey's southern border, a long-sought goal of the Obama administration, according to U.S. officials.
Tuesday, December 15, 2015 - 06:31
Turkey pulled a small military convoy out of a training base in northern Iraq that has become a new flash point as regional powers exert their influence, but refused to buckle to increasing pressure from Baghdad and Moscow to remove all its troops.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015 - 06:30
Turkey said it attacked Kurdish forces in Syria backed by the U.S., potentially setting the stage for a new fight with the Obama administration as it looks at increasing its ties with the Kurdish militants leading the most effective fight against Islamic State.
Friday, September 18, 2015 - 06:03
The Obama administration is considering scrapping its effort to create a large-scale Syrian force to fight Islamic State as it searches for alternatives to prevent the American-led effort from collapsing, officials said.
Wednesday, September 9, 2015 - 06:25
Faced with a burgeoning refugee crisis in Europe sparked by global extremism, U.S. and European officials said Tuesday there is a growing consensus that the multinational military campaign against Islamic State must focus more on targeting the group’s nerve centers in Syria.
Wednesday, August 26, 2015 - 06:36
Turkey and the U.S. have completed an agreement allowing Turkey to begin striking at Islamic State targets in Iraq and Syria, the Pentagon said Tuesday, but officials said they don't expect the airstrikes to begin immediately.
Monday, July 6, 2015 - 06:28
Tariq bin Tahar al-’Awni al-Harzi raised money and helped bring in foreign fighters as suicide bombers; his brother was killed in a previous attack.
Thursday, June 18, 2015 - 06:57
The nation’s top defense officials left open the possibility on Wednesday that the U.S. military may play a more active role in the fight against Islamic State extremists, by joining Iraqi forces on the front lines to help direct airstrikes.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015 - 06:32
President Barack Obama is poised to send hundreds more American military advisers to a new base in a strategic Iraqi region to help devise a counterattack against marauding Islamic State militants, U.S. officials said Tuesday, a shift that underscores American concern over recent battlefield losses.
