Ahmed Tolba

Tuesday, May 5, 2015 - 21:18
Yemen's Houthi fighters fired mortar and rockets at a Saudi Arabian border town on Tuesday for the first time since a Saudi-led coalition began a military campaign against them in late March, the coalition's spokesman said.
Wednesday, April 29, 2015 - 06:58
69 suspected Muslim Brotherhood supporters were each sentenced to 25 years in prison in Egypt on Wednesday for attacking and burning a church in a village near Cairo in 2013, judicial sources said. However, "there is no proof against the defendants... even the church's priest said he didn't see any of the defendants after the incident," Hany El-Sayed, a defense lawyer for some of the defendants, told Reuters.
Friday, March 6, 2015 - 06:45
Libya’s internationally recognized Prime Minister Abdullah al-Thinni said his government would stop dealing with Turkey because it was sending weapons to a rival group in Tripoli so that “the Libyan people kill each other.”
Friday, February 20, 2015 - 06:57
A senior Egyptian diplomat on Thursday accused Qatar of supporting terrorism after Qatar recalled its ambassador from Cairo in a dispute over Egyptian air strikes on Islamic State targets in Libya.