U.N. Peacekeeping

Friday, August 8, 2014 - 08:34
U.S.announced at the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit the African Peacekeeping Rapid Response Partnership (APRRP, “A-Prep” for short) a new investment of $110 million per year for 3-5 years to build the capacity of African militaries to rapidly deploy peacekeepers
Thursday, August 7, 2014 - 07:25
It's not too late to save Libya, but the West must act now.
Monday, August 4, 2014 - 11:50

In connection with this week’s U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit, the United States is planning to speak with African leaders about how to “build their capacity to respond to security challenges on the continent.”  According to the Obama Administration’s congressional budget request for FY 2015, “the promotion of peace and security remains one of the United States’ highest priorities” in Sub-Saharan Africa. Yet, which Africa countries and sub-regions will receive the most U.S. security assistance for FY 2015 and how does this assistance compare with previous years.

Monday, August 4, 2014 - 07:02
U.S. defense officials say the Pentagon’s expansion in Africa is necessary as the United States grapples with the spread of extremism and violence in countries such as South Sudan and Libya, both of which have had U.S.
Friday, August 1, 2014 - 07:17
Susan Rice, President Barack Obama's National Security Adviser has said that Washington does not intend to engage in Africa militarily to resolve the continent's conflicts. It prefers to boost efforts to train peacekeepers.
Thursday, July 31, 2014 - 06:18
With preparations underway for the United Nations to take over from an African Union-led peacekeeping mission in the Central African Republic (CAR), the Security Council today requested Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to review what was done and how it could be done better in future transitions.
Thursday, July 31, 2014 - 06:12
Washington does not intend to engage in Africa militarily to resolve the continent’s conflicts but is boosting efforts to train peacekeepers, a senior US official said Wednesday.
Tuesday, July 29, 2014 - 06:49
The current crisis and war in South Sudan that started in December 2013 has gone beyond ethnicity and conflict between the two principal actors, President Salva Kiir and his estranged deputy, Riek Machar. It has become a national catastrophe, with talks of political federalism now clouding the country.
Monday, July 21, 2014 - 06:49
Hundreds of peacekeepers in Somalia who have gone for five months without pay could soon get their allowances, following the European Union announcement last week that it will make available a total of €750 million ($1 billion) to support peace and security in Africa.
Monday, July 21, 2014 - 06:31
French President François Hollande wrapped up a three-day tour of West Africa on Saturday with a visit to Chad, the future headquarters of a new French force designed to combat Islamist violence.
